Partners In Hope

Following the destruction caused by Hurricane Andrew, especially in southern Florida, many religious groups responded offering significant aid to those devastated by the storm. This program documents that aid and in particular the ecumenical partnership among those religious groups involved. Contact Phone: 800-494-6007 The cost is $19.98 plus $3.95 shipping and handling per half-hour video.

She Shall Overcome: Religion and the Struggle for Women's Rights

This shows explores the historic gamut of abuses heaped upon women that filter into the quality of family life, and then at activities of faith communities which advocate for better treatment for women through legislation, public forums, and providing shelter and guidance. Contact Phone: 800-494-6007 The cost is $19.98 plus $3.95 shipping and handling per half-hour video.


Christ is Risen! Resurrection Service and Divine Liturgy of Pascha

Aired 2012-13. Presented by the National Council of Churches USA; Produced by the Greek Orthodox Church Witness the Orthodox Christian Resurrection Service and Divine Liturgy of Pascha in the community of St. Nicholas Church in Flushing, NY, recorded live on Pascha 2011.  At midnight, Archbishop Demetrios proclaimed "Christ is Risen!" to the thousands of faithful who gathered both inside and outside the beautiful Church. Following is the Divine Liturgy of the Resurrection witness.