Humor and Religion

Religion is alive with laughter and good humor. Some clerics relax the congregation with humor while also delivering a serious message. Some Churches and Synagogues today will post humorous messages on their outdoor signs. This program explored the idea that laughter is healthy and a healing part of life while helping to create balances within religion.

A Hawaiian Christmas

Aired 2012-13. Produced by the United Church of Christ Not everyone dreams of a white Christmas. For some, the season is celebrated with luaus on a beach, vibrant flowers and incredibly beautiful music. This Christmas, get a glimpse of how this holy season is observed in our 50th state. A Hawaiian Christmas will warm your heart this holiday season. Filmed entirely in Honolulu, the program featured original and traditional music by Hawaiian artists Lehua Kalima (of Na Leo Pilimehana), Amy Hanaiali‘i Gilliom, Kapena, John Cruz, O’Brian Eselu, Afatia Thompson and others. UCC Conference Minister Charles Buck and Kaumakapili Church Pastor Richard Kamanu provided cultural information.  A Hawaiian Christmas was narrated by Hawaii state senator and Kawaiaha’o Church member, Brickwood Galuteria. “Christmas is the perfect time to share our music and our faith throughout the islands with the good news of our savior’s birth,” said Ken Makuakane, Hawai‘i Conference Program Associate and production organizer.

To God's Ear

Produced by Diva Communications To G-d's Ear titleframe

There are halls in heaven that open only to the voice of song. - The Zohar

This documentary provides an inspiring look at the impact of sacred music. A rich tapestry of tradition al liturgical prayer and contemporary lyrical renditions are interwoven with commentary by scholars and lay people. Colorful scenes from a congregational choir practice to a vibrant Shacharit service at a children’s summer camp, offer a glimpse into experiential prayer.

Other highlights include:

A cantorial student rehearsing a solemn Kol Nidre prayer sung on Yom Kippur.

A congregant recounting the heart-wrenching story of a rabbi who rescued Jewish children in hiding from the holocaust by singing out the Shema to them.

Musician and founder of the Klezmatics, Frank London, performing a captivating rendition of an ancient cantorial melody.

To purchase a copy of the film call 212 397-7259