Aired 2012-13. Presented by the National Council of Churches USA; Produced by Mennonite Media Over four million people a year in the U.S. mourn the tragic suicide deaths of family members. In the award-winning Fierce Goodbye documentary, you'll meet some courageous, beautiful people who share their deepest moments of despair, grief, pain and finally hope as they cope with the aftermath of suicide. Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, and Greek Orthodox theologians, and scholars and people working in the mental health field, provide insights in dealing with the aftermath of suicide. A groundbreaking look at the role of faith and suicide.
Fierce Goodbye: Living in the Shadow of Suicide, is a groundbreaking look at faith perspectives on the taboo subject of suicide and how families find hope and healing. The hour-long documentary is hosted by Judy Collins, folksinger and author of a memoir on suicide, Sanity and Grace, and brings to light stories of families and friends as they face difficult, unanswerable questions following suicide. Mental health experts including Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison, Johns Hopkins University, and Sheri Davis Molock, George Washington University, weigh in on the stigma of mental illness and suicide. Biblical scholar G. Lloyd Carr and author of the book,Fierce Goodbye, and theologians from Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Jewish and Protestant faiths share their views on what the Bible and their traditions have taught about suicide and how those views are changing. The documentary features an original musical score by Emmy-award winning composer, David Cottrell.
DVD available at