Aired 2002-03. Produced by Diva Communications "When I pray, I speak to God...When I study, God speaks to me." So replied the late Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, former chancellor of The Jewish Theological Seminary, when asked why one should make time for Torah study. Indeed, all Jews are encouraged to engage in a life-time of learning and many people report a renewed personal and spiritual focus to their day when they join a study group, regardless of their level of knowledge. "The Highest Commandment" dives into the very nature of Jewish education, distinguishing it as the wellspring for Jewish continuity. Produced by The Jewish Theological Seminary in conjunction with Diva Communications, this program documents the journey of several individuals who, having overcome a variety of obstacles, demonstrate an unrelenting commitment to their Jewish education while explaining some of the fundamentals of Jewish learning. Education is indeed the highest commandment and study is a form of worship; it is when God speaks to us.
For more information on "The Highest Commandment" call Marianna Mott Newirth at 212 678-8020
To purchase a copy of the film call 212 397-7259