Aired 2013-14.
“Women & Spirit: Catholic Sisters in America,” is a one-hour documentary narrated by noted NPR and ABC news analyst Cokie Roberts, and featuring interviews with historians, journalists and sister. This film brings to life the inspiring, virtually untold, 300-year story of Catholic women religious who have greatly and at times sacrificially contributed to the American landscape. It examines the courage (mostly quiet but at times outspoken), entrepreneurial spirit, and indomitable faith exercised by these women during many dramatic moments in U.S. history. The film is an outgrowth of the highly successful touring exhibit (2009 - 2012) of the same title, sponsored by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), the film’s executive producer.
The documentary has been selected for NBC’s “Horizons of the Spirit” series in partnership with the Interfaith Broadcasting Commission.
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