Aired 1995-96. “The Strangers Next Door," looks at interfaith efforts to welcome Muslims more readily into American culture; it focused on a tri-faith effort in Bloomfield Hills, MI.
The United Nations at 50: A Religious Perspective
Aired 1995-96. “The United Nations at 50: A Religious Perspective," shows how faith groups work with and respond to the United Nations, including its work on issues such as peacekeeping, the environment, and women's rights.
A Matter of Life and Death
Aired 1994-95. Taped in Chicago at two faith-based hospitals, Lutheran General and Good Samaritan, as well as at The Park Ridge Center (a think-tank involved with bio-ethical issues), this program investigates moral and ethical issues involved with life and death -- "pulling the plug", life support systems, the cost of patient care. Includes an interview with Martin Marty. To purchase a copy of this program call 800-494-6007
Africa: Alive With Faith
Aired 1994-95. Purchasing Contact Name: EcuFILMPurchasing Contact Phone: 800-251-4091 Purchasing Website:
Creativity: Touching the Divine
Aired 1994-95.
Embracing Judaism: Reaching In, Reaching Out, Reaching Up
Aired 1994-95. Produced by Diva Communications Embracing Judaism: Reaching In, Reaching Out, Reaching Up, the acclaimed documentary explores the real life journeys of many Jews to understand and affirm their Jewish heritage.
From the couple next door to the cowgirl from the south, to the Russian looking for meaning, and the musician who fled Zen Buddhism and came back, rejoice in the personal stories of very special people, yet very typical people.
To purchase a copy of the film call 212 397-7259
Ethics In the Marketplace
Aired 1994-95. Taped primarily in California, this program shows how some religious organizations and for-profit companies are making business decisions which benefit people as well as the bottom line -- for example, Catholic Healthcare West, as well as Esprit and Pete's Coffee and Tea (two companies which are considered socially and environmentally responsible). Includes an interview with Tim Smith, Interfaith Coalition on Corporate Responsibility. Contact Phone: 800-494-6007 Purchasing Notes: The cost is $19.98 plus $3.95 shipping and handling per half-hour video.
Faith: From Love Not Hate
Aired 1994-95.
Good Parents, Good Children: An American Challenge
Aired 1994-95. Taped in St. Louis, this program reports on several faith-related programs aimed at helping families succeed, not just in providing day-to-day survival needs, but with "parenting", an on-going effort to prepare children for a successful and productive future. Includes segments from Friedens Haus (United Church of Christ), a mentoring program of the Presbyterian Church, USA, and Parenting for Peace and Justice -- a national network to promote family life based on mutual love and respect. Contact Phone: 800-494-6007 Purchasing Notes: The cost is $19.98 plus $3.95 shipping and handling per half-hour video.
Island of Roses
Aired 1994-95.
Love Them One By One
Aired 1994-95. Taped in Boston and its suburbs, the program looks at violence among inner-city youth and efforts of religious groups to assuage fear and to offer hope. From the call of African-American religious leaders to the courageous mission of a crime victim, some people are moving beyond the "more prisons, more police" solution to factor in hope. Contact Phone: 800-494-6007 Purchasing Notes: The cost is $19.98 plus $3.95 shipping and handling per half-hour video.
Nicaragua: Finding Peace
Aired 1994-5.
Teen Spirit
Aired 1994-95. Purchasing Contact Name: EcuFILMPurchasing Contact Phone: 800-251-4091 Purchasing Website:
Wings as Eagles
Aired 1994-95.
Christmas Mass from the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC
Presented by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Rev. Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, D.C., celebrated Christmas Day Mass from the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Holiday carols and hymns rang out in one of the most beloved pilgrimage sites in the United States. One of the largest Catholic worship spaces in the Americas, "the Shrine" as it's commonly known as, commemorated the various ways Mary is honored by ethic groups around the world.
Easter Worship at The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection
Aired 2013-14. This Easter worship service included a message entitled “Your Defining Story” delivered by Senior Pastor Adam Hamilton. Rev. Hamilton is the author of 13 books and lectures on leadership, evangelism and preaching across the country. In January of 2014, he delivered the 2013 National Prayer Service message following the Inauguration. The service also featured the choir and orchestra of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, located in Leawood, Kansas.
One Hand: An Egyptian Woman Explores Faith
Aired 2013-14. Documentary Featuring Presbyterian (U.S.A.) work in Egypt With a population close to 90 million, Egypt is the most populated country in the Middle East. This Middle Eastern country swept our country's imagination with two revolutions during the last two years.
It’s also a place that captivated the interest of Mona Hennein, the daughter of Egyptian Presbyterian Missionaries Swailem and Sameera Hennein. Almost 60 years after her parents left this country, Mona returns to her birth home to learn more about her parent’s legacy as the first missionaries from the Presbyterian Synod of the Nile to southern Sudan.
In the documentary, One Hand: An Egyptian Woman Explores Faith, Ms. Hennein discovers a new Egypt, one in which Christians and Muslims work side by side together for religious freedom. She also learns that the seeds of this unity began with Egypt early Presbyterian missionaries who believed that the best way to reach out to Muslims was to open schools, hospitals and social services.
Today, The Synod of the Nile is Egypt’s oldest and largest Protestant denomination with 700 thousand members and 350 congregations. Ms. Hennein documents its beginnings and its radical thinking to open the nation’s first primary school for girls, and to send out its first missionary, her father Swailem Sidhom Hennein.
ReThink Christmas
Aired 2013-14. Christmas Eve at Saint Mark United Methodist ChurchWichita, Kansas
Like Charlie Brown Christmas Specials, Christmas Eve Worship Services have been a fixture in Christmas programming line ups for decades. For millions of families, televised Christmas Eve worship is as integral as eggnog, trees, ornaments and yes GIFTS!
Saint Mark United Methodist Church in Wichita Kansas in partnership with UMC Communications is pleased to present for this ABC Christmas Eve Special, RETHINK CHRISTMAS: THE GIFT
Viewers can expect a visually engaging, powerful and well thought out worship experience that will tell the story of the ultimate gift to the world, Christ.
From sacred dance, to dramatic interpretation of scripture, powerful preaching, to a soul-stirring 100 voice Gospel Choir, featuring national recording artist Cynthia Wilson, viewers will come away with the full understanding that when we Rethink Christmas we turn away from our Christmas shopping lists, toys, and Rudolph the red nose reindeer, and instead are lead towards the true gifts of Christmas, love, family and serving our neighbor because God’s ultimate gift - Our Savior, The Lord has come!
The Master's Hand
Aired 2013-14. An Easter Music Celebration Join Christ Church for a moving Easter special with a 100-voice choir, 120-rank organ, the Lincoln Park Brass, and the congregation singing the Hallelujah Chorus. Daniel Meyer, Senior Pastor
Easter Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral
Aired 2013-14.
CelebrateEaster 2014 with the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, NY.Join The Most Reverend Richard J. Malone, 14th Bishop of the Diocese of Buffalo, in the celebration of Easter Sunday Mass, on the most sacred Sunday of the year. The Mass was pre-recorded in the Gothic Revival St. Joseph Cathedral which was built by Buffalo’s first bishop, Most Reverend John Timon in 1855. Today the Buffalo Diocese is an ethnically diverse community, which is reflected in the Mass during the petitionary prayers offered in 5 different languages. Bishop Maloneis joined by the acclaimed St. Joseph Cathedral choir and conductor Tim Socha. The choir is accompanied by a 124- year-old Hook and Hastings organ, recognized as one of the finest surviving examples of late 19th-century American organs. In addition to shepherding the Buffalo Diocese, Bishop Malone is a member for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis, chairman for USCCB Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth; as well as the Advisory Board for Catholic Scripture Study International and Board of Directors for Catholic Relief Services (CRS). April 20, 2014 celebrate Easter Sunday Mass from St. Joseph Cathedral, Buffalo NY.
The recording of Easter Mass 2014 was produced by the award- winning Daybreak TV Productions of the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, NY. |